Santana Vespe

Los Angeles.

Self-portrait in blue bathroom. London. 1980. Nan Goldin. This is my favorite of her countless photographs; I have used it as my computer background and lockscreen for years.

Currently reading:

Currently listening to:

These days I am studying Comparative Literature and Visual Culture at the University of Southern California; working as a barista on weekends; directing the music curation and archives at KXSC; and serving on the directoral board for the second annual USC Comparative Literature Undergrad Symposium. I'll begin my Honors Thesis in the fall under Dr. Olivia C. Harrison, and am planning to apply to Tulane University Law School this coming admissions cycle. I've travelled to Japan; read 24 books; and finished a full diary this year so far. My greatest ambition is to take care of my mom someday.

This site is updated whenever I feel called to do so. But check out my diary: clickclickclick